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Best Desserts of 2021

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On this New year’s eve, I have the best desserts of 2021. It’s a great assortment. Me and my family love every one of these recipes. For the end of the year, we will end with the best way to end your meal – dessert.

Best Desserts of 2021 | realmomkitchen.com

For the first recipe, we have a peanut butter oatmeal cookie recipe.  I love a cookie that includes oatmeal. It makes me feel like I am choosing a better treat if it has oatmeal. This cookie also has peanut butter. This makes me feel like this cookie is even better with the protein you get from the peanut butter. The secret to these cookies is it is made with dark brown sugar.

Nutella cream puffs is what I have next for ya. My daughter-in-law is a big Nutella fan and I made these for her for her birthday. They were pure perfection. It all begins with a simple a choux pastry dough for the puffs. For the Nutella filling, you just need to whip some cream together until it reaches stiff peaks. Then you mix in a little powdered sugar in addition to the Nutella. It’s the perfect blend of cream and Nutella.

Additionally, we have these knock you naked bars.  These bars are so good they won’t just knock your socks off. These bars will actually knock you naked, hence the name – knock you naked bars. These bars basically incorporate chocolate chip cookies with caramel and peanut butter! Any sweet tooth will definitely be made happy with these bars. These babies are nice and decadent.

The last of the four of the best desserts of 2021 is a fruit pizza. A good friend of mine originally shared this recipe with me.  It has a sugar cookie crust that is soft and tender but not too sweet.  This cookie is also more on the cake-like side. It makes a nice thick crust. The crust is then topped with a cream cheese topping and then can have fun with whatever fruits you want to put on top. The last thing you do with the pizza is brush a simple orange glaze over the fruit. It helps keep the fruit fresh and also adds a nice flavor to the fruit.

Best Desserts of 2021 | realmomkitchen.com

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