
Kids in the Kitchen – Kids’ fun and healthy cookbook review

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Today is my last kids in the kitchen post and I have one more DK cookbook for you – Kids’ fun and healthy cookbook.  This one focus’ on 100 healthy recipes.  I picked up a copy from my library but you can get it through Amazon for $12.23.

Kids' Fun and Healthy Cookbook | realmomkitchen.com

What I like about this cookbook:

  • Introduction Section – This introduction section very basic.  One page talks about safe baking and getting started.  The other page shoes you how to use the recipe the way they have layed it out. Then they have some great info on Fruits and Vegetables, Starchy Foods, Protein, and Fats and Sugars.  I found it very informative for teaching about nutrition to kids.  The back of the book  includes a section on decorating along with a glossary.  There is also an information page at the beginning of each category.
  • The Recipes – the recipes include a list of ingredients and tools.  They also include photos for each step.  Each recipe also includes a food fact, healthy hint, tasty twist, etc..   I also like the book included 100 recipes.
  • Photos – each recipe includes a photo plus as a mentions above it also includes photos for each step.  DK books are known for the photography included in their books and this one is exactly what you would expect from DK.
  • Quick reference for step where adult help or extra care is needed – this book includes and icon (a triangle with a hand) for any steps that adult help is needed in each recipe it also includes and icon (a triangle with an exclamation point) for steps you need to be extra careful with because they include a hot stove or sharp knives.
  • Categories – this book includes breakfasts, light meals, main meals, dessert, and baking.
  • Prep and Cook times along with cooking level– each includes a quick reference with prep and bake times which I feel is a must for a kid’s cookbook.

Items I am neutral about:

  • Book binding – This book is not spiral bound. If you follow me regularly you know by now I always prefer a spiral bound cookbook especially for kids, but the binding isn’t a deal breaker for me.  It is just a preference.

The downside:

  • Nutrition info included with each recipe – this is not included. For a book that is focused on “healthy”, I would have liked to see this included.

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  1. We’ve had this book for a couple of years. My daughter loves to make different things from it. We use it often and the bindimg has held up this far.

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