Campbell’s Ultimate Recipe Challenge Video

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I recently competed in Campbell’s Ultimate Recipe Challenge. Campbell’s has put together a video from the 2011 recipe challenge that I won back in Camden, NJ.  Check it out.  It will give you a glimpse of the entire event.  I had a blast. My winning recipe is for chicken enchilada nachos. I still can’t believe it!  Little old me won a recipe contest.  I am so honored.

Campbell's Ultimate Recipe Challenge Video |

The event was on January 19 in the Campbells Kitchen.  One of the other finalists is Deborah from Taste and Tell.  She also lives in Utah. I had the chance to spend time with her at previously at Baking with Betty and the Harmon’s Back of the Store Tour.  Deborah entered a recipe for Chicken, Bacon and Cream Cheese Mini Taquitos.  The other finalist is Cathy from Hazzard in the Kitchen who submitted are recipe for End Zone Empanadas.  It was fun to get to meet her.

We each had our own kitchen which was just like any kitchen you would find in a regular house.  I felt right at home.  We each prepared our recipe.  We made a plate to show and then another one for the judges to sample. This is a great video highlighting the event. It’s just a little over 3 minutes long and really gives you a good glimpse into the competition!

YouTube video

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  5. So fun to see you and Deborah in “real life”! You guys looked liked naturals and what an accomplishment!

  6. So fun to see you and Deborah in “real life”! You guys looked liked naturals and what an accomplishment!