
Best Breads of 2020

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We are moving on today to the best breads of 2020. There are 2 sweet recipes and 2 savory recipes.

Perfect cinnamon rolls just may be the best cinnamon rolls ever. I made them for my son on his birthday. He didn’t want a birthday cake. He requested cinnamon rolls. The family fell in love with these and has already requested them a few times since I first made them.

Then we have Italian bread bowls. They are the perfect bowl to made and serve up your favorite creamy soup in. This bread is soft yet chewy. You won’t want to bother with store bought bread bowls once you have had these.

Next is my mom’s delicious orange rolls. They are amazing. The dough is made the day before and kept in the fridge overnight. Once these rolls are formed they are each placed in a muffin tin. They get finished off with a sweet glaze made from powdered sugar and fresh orange juice.

The last of you Best Breads of 2020 in easy homemade naan bread. Now, I will say it’s not as good as the naan I get an the Indian restaurant. However, it is great for an at home version. My oldest son and his wife make Indaian food for dinner frequently and now make this to go along with it.

Best Breads of 2020 | realmomkitchen.com

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