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5 Fun Family Games

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This year for Thanksgiving, consider adding an extra layer of joy to your holiday gathering by incorporating games that bring the family together. I have 5 fun family games to share with you today. They are great to play post your Thanksgiving feast or will also make great games to give as Christmas gifts.

First up for my 5 fun family games is a game called Poetry for Neanderthals. This is the guessing game where you channel your inner caveman. You have to speak in single syllables and then win points with every correct guess.

If you start talking fancy, someone from the opposing team gets to bop you with an inflatable club. You’ll get laughing with this one. You have to give the clues by talking like this – We have fun game. Help team guess word on card.

Next up is a game called Hearing Things. It says it’s for 4-8 players but you can totally have as many teams as you would like. This is similar to what you may have seem on the Jimmy Fallon show called The Whisper Challenge.

One person puts on the headphones which have background noise playing. I compare it to a noisy restaurant. The other person tries to get the person with the headphones on the guys a phrase. You basically have to lip read what they are saying.

This game gets lots of laughs. We have recorded video of use playing in the past and it gets us laughing hysterically even when we re-watch them.

Next up is good old Bingo. This was a tradition with my family while I was growing up. Everyone with bring some wrapped gifts including a combination white elephants and inexpensive items. This would be items like candy, crackers, lotion, etc.

5 Fun Family Games

There was a few white elephant items that would make the rounds every years. You get a gift when you get Bingo, but don’t unwrap. Once the gifts were gone, we would allow stealing for a while. We would try to steal from the rich.

Be warned that sometimes, this did cause tears to be shed. However, for the most part it’s just fun. After a bit we would call the came over and everyone can unwrap their gifts. The other side of the family would also play this on Christmas Eve.

My fourth pick is Hues and Cues. This game challenges players to make connections to colors with words. Using only one in round one and a two-word cue (AKA clue) in round two, players try to get others to guess a specific hue you describe from the 480 colors squares on the unique game board.

You earn points by how close you are to the correct hue square. Each card has 4 colors the cue giver can pick from. For example, a first clue could be blushing, and a second clue could be bashful rose.

Last is Telestrations. I am recommending the party pack version because it includes enough stuff for 12 players. The regular game accommodates 8 players. This game is like a combination of telephone and pictionary.

Each player starts with their own sketchbook, marker, and word card. Roll the die to determine each player’s secret word. Set a timer for 60 seconds, and everyone draws their word. After the timer, pass the sketchbook to the player on the left.

Each player guesses what they see in words and then passes again. Continue this cycle until each sketchbook returns to its original owner. During The Big Reveal, share the sketchbooks to unveil the hilarious miscommunication.

The outcomes can be unpredictable, and the laughter is contagious! We play this game often at family gatherings is always a hit!

5 Fun Family Games

Whether you are looking for a fun game to play Thanksgiving day or are in need of ideas for Christmas gifts, I hope you find this list of games helpful.

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